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Alu-Rex > Eavestroughs and rain water management blog

nile-virus_bugWe all agree that a tiny mosquito is quite harmless. However, things can go sour rather quickly if it carries the West Nile virus (WNV). The WNV originated in Uganda (Africa) and is mainly found in the province of Quebec, more specifically in the South West region. The virus is transmitted when an infected mosquito bites you. Additionally, the WNV was found in various animal cases, namely birds and horses.

Methods of Preventing the WNV

First things first, in order to avoid contracting the WNV, you must not get bitten. To that end, there are several methods of preventing the WNV. You may want to start with long, light-colored clothes that cover the arms and legs, especially at sunrise and sunset. This is when mosquitos are the most active. It is also recommended to install efficient window and door screens so as to avoid dealing with mosquitos inside the residence. Finally, just to be on the safe side, use mosquito repellent.

WNV-Proof Your Rain Gutters

As is the case with most insects, mosquitos look for damp areas to lay their eggs, which is why rain gutters are the perfect location for mosquitos. Fortunately, it is very easy to limit their presence with an eavestrough that remains in good condition. Use a leaf guard to prevent clogging. This will allow you to preserve the shape of the gutters and avoid the accumulation of standing water. Who would have thought that rain gutters could actually have such a bearing on comfort and health!

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