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gutters-needing-repairsWhile it may be tempting to ignore gutter problems, it is important to repair leaky gutters. A gutter that no longer fulfills its purpose (keeping water away from the foundations) can cause serious problems. Leaky gutters increase the risk of water seeping into the roof and foundations because, in many cases, if the water is not routed to the downspouts, it rises back up to the roof or falls close to the foundations. It is best to repair a damaged gutter than wait for the situation to turn into a nightmare.

Check what repairs are needed

Check with a professional to confirm the cause of the leak or breakage. Gutter installation companies usually offer this kind of service.

Follow the advice of a gutter expert

The professional who checks your gutters may make recommendations about possible ways to repair or replace them, depending on the situation.

Usually, if it is a minor problem, you can choose to make the repairs yourself. However, if there is major damage, it is best to entrust the task to an industry expert. In addition, it is always safer to avoid having to climb a ladder yourself.

Check repaired gutters

Keep an eye on gutters that have been repaired to make sure there are no additional problems. It is also a good idea to clean your gutters regularly or to install gutter guards to prevent future problems.

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