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Fall often means outdoor work. As a homeowner, you probably want to make the most of the last remaining days before winter sets in to do maintenance work on your property. What should you do with plants and shrubs? Here’s a useful list that is sure to help you. Get your gloves and trowel!

Planting, dividing and trimming: What to do with all this?

This time of the year is the perfect time to plant perennials, shrubs and trees. Even the worst gardeners can manage to grow a plant! The plant is in a dormant state and will settle on its own, there is no need to water it. It will wake up in the spring and grow. You will be the envy of all your neighbours thanks to your beautiful plant beds!

Why not kill two birds with one stone and divide the bulbs that are too big? You should know that many perennials can be divided in the fall and they will still bloom the following year.

What about the size of plants, trees and shrubs? Try not to trim them at this time of the year, otherwise you may stimulate them and see buds appear.


Fertilization and soil amendment

It is not advisable to use fertilizer in the fall. As the plants will soon enter their winter dormancy, they should not be stimulated. However, you can take that opportunity to amend the soil, which means using products to improve its physical and chemical properties. There are several options to achieve this: gypsum, compost, peat moss, mulch. The microfauna as well as the microflora will help improve the soil. The choice is yours!

And the grass in all this?

The first thing to do is to remove dead leaves before the first snowfall. Your lawn may die if you leave dead leaves as it will be deprived of natural light. Why not make this a family activity and use the dead leaves to decorate your home for Halloween? Your little monsters will be so happy! Another option is to shred the leaves with a mulching mower so that they decompose and act as nutrient to the lawn.

The lawn must also be cut one last time. Additionally, it is the best time of the year for topdressing and seeding.


Winter protection: What to do and what not to do!

The first rule is not to install winter protection until the ground is frozen. Otherwise, little critters could hide in there all winter long and feed on your plants. It would be a shame if you lost your title as best gardener in the neighbourhood!

Materials to be used is jute and cones for plants and shrubs. Perforated plastic trunk protectors are recommended for fruit trees.

You are now ready for winter! All you need to do is to put away your gloves and trowel and get your mittens and snow shovel!

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