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lawnmower_grassWhen summer arrives, most homeowners want to have a nice lawn. Some basic rules apply in order to obtain a lush green lawn. Here are some steps to follow if you want to help your grass flourish.

Clearing out dead grass

In the springtime, when the ground is thawed and dry, it is recommended to rake up the yellow grass and dead leaves so that the grass can grow faster.

Aerating the lawn

In the springtime and in the fall, when the grass is dry, you can scarify the ground with a mechanical aerator. Aerators can be purchased at hardware stores or at stores specialized in outdoor tools. This step is optional, but it has many advantages for the soil. Scarifying the ground helps water to soak in, oxygen to penetrate the soil, organic matter to decompose, and the grass root system to penetrate deeper.

Fertilizing the lawn

Fertilizing is a more complex step. It is important to determine the right fertilizer or compost to use and the best time to use them. Each yard is different, and it is recommended to ask for advice before taking this step. Usually, slow-release fertilizers are proposed since they distribute nutriments slowly and in small doses. Respecting the dosage and the directions on the packaging is essential to obtain thick green grass.

Cutting the grass

When the grass is 3 or 4 inches high it’s time to cut it. No more than a third of the blade should be cut. Depending on the region and the season, grass should be cut one to four times a month.

Recycling dead grass

The grass recycling technique consists in leaving the cut grass on the ground. Leaving dead grass in its place allows the new grass to draw the nutrients that it needs, strengthen its health, and, at the same time, it makes your life easier. However, you must be careful not to leave too much cut grass, because it could stifle the new growth.

Weeding the lawn

If your lawn has a few weeds, you can easily remove them manually by digging up the roots. However, if you have a more serious weed problem, herbicides are a potential solution, but it is important to follow the directions as indicated. Nevertheless, regularly mowing and aerating the lawn helps to reduce weed proliferation significantly.

Watering the lawn

Watering the lawn evenly keeps grass from drying out. Ideally, you can water at night to avoid evaporation. It is also wise to water frequently, but you must take into account municipal restrictions. There most probably will be times, like during a dry spell, when you are not allowed to water your grass.

As we have seen, there are several steps, optional or essential, that can help you achieve a lush green grass. Depending on the kind of grass that grows in your yard, there is more or less maintenance. Various kinds of grass react differently to temperature changes, the kind of soil and levels of dryness. It is recommended to get advice before choosing the kind of grass to plant in your yard. Landscaping or planting specialists can provide you with the right information to help you choose the type of grass that is best adapted to your property and to your taste.

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