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Credit: Daniel Audet

Whether you are an amateur birdwatcher or a seasoned ornithologist, your landscape design can help attract birds to your property. While hundreds of plants appeal to birds, following these guidelines greatly increases your chances of transforming your yard into a favourite spot for birds.

Grow a variety of fruit plants


Credits: Daniel Audet

By definition, birds like to feed on a variety of fruits and berries. Choosing trees or plants that produce appetizing fruit will help attract birds to your property. Sunflowers, the hollyleaved barberry, black elderberry, dogwood, hawthorn, chokecherry, the common apple tree, serviceberry, scarlet firethorn, chokeberry, callicarpa, European barberry, arrowwood and holly all produce berries enjoyed by birds.

Adorn your property with flowers


Credit: Daniel Audet

Attract birds of all species

Birds can often be attracted by flowers that yield seeds at certain times of the year. Flowers such as the chokecherry, camellia, sedum, agrimony, sage, Echinacea, coreopsis, Black-Eyed Susans, lemon balm, kniphofia, phlox, foxglove and columbine attract a variety of birds.

Encourage humming birds to visit your property

Flowers in certain shapes and colours are known to attract hummingbirds, which tend to prefer trumpet-shaped flowers and bright colours. Plants such as the Austrian speedwell, lilac, petunia, Canada columbine, spotted jewelweed and blue vervain are among the favourites of hummingbirds.

Use plants to create shelter for birds


Credit: Daniel Audet

In order to build nests and raise their young, birds look for bushes or dense trees that provide shelter. Plants with dense foliage or trees such as the pine, rhododendron, cedar, yew, blue spruce, hemlock, laurel and ornamental grass can serve to shelter birds.

While designing your yard to attract birds requires planning, watching them flock to your property is sure to bring you hours of enjoyment.

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