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There is a wide range of fasteners that can be used with rain gutters. Depending on the type of eavestrough selected, the roof system, and the benefits you’re looking for, there are several options available to you.

Rain gutters with spikes


Spikes constitute the most basic way of installing rain gutters. They work well with aluminum eavestroughs. However, avoid using nails with copper or vinyl rain gutters. Although nails are the most cost-effective solution out there, lines of rust will eventually drip down from protruding spike heads. Furthermore, with time, you may be required to paint spike heads for aesthetic purposes.

Spaced hangers for eavestroughs


Spaced hangers represent yet another popular alternative for installing rain gutters. They are invisible from the ground and look better than spike do. Spaced hangers are used both by professional installers and homeowners alike in addition to slowly becoming the more popular choice over spike, although the former is slightly more expensive.

Screw-on hangers for gutters


Screw-on hangers are very much like spaced hangers except for the screw which is an intricate part of the hanger. Homeowners will find them easier to install, although they are also used by a number of professionals. Their main advantage is that they’re easier to install than are spaced hangers.

Eavestroughs installed with spaced hangers strapped to the roof system

These types of hangers are mainly used with metal roofs (e.g., aluminum sheets or shingles). Spaced hangers strapped to the roof system are very solid wherever they are installed. With materials as slippery as metal, snow and ice come down hard on gutters. This, in turn, causes damage or even cause the eavestrough to be pulled away from the fascia. Hangers used with a strap allow reducing the risks associated with cold Canadian winters.

Rain gutter support

Designed to support half-round or sectional rain gutters sold in hardware stores, this piece of equipment supports rain gutters from underneath the structure. It is thus important to have matching colors and materials for both the support and the rain gutter (aluminum, vinyl, copper, etc.) to allow for a seamless look as much as possible. Certain models are adorned with specific features for aesthetic and decorative purposes.

Continuous hangers for rain gutters

Although continuous hangers are a bit more costly, they represent the most heavy-duty fastening system on the market. Whereas rain gutters are often damaged due to snow falls and ice expansion, continuous hangers can actually extend the service life of eavestroughs by making them more solid. Contrary to installations with spikes or hangers that leave rain gutters unprotected and at risk, eavestroughs with continuous hangers are closed, seamless, and protected from dead leaves and debris. These types of hangers thus act as a leaf guard, thereby reducing the need for maintenance and preventing clogging as well as any overflow that can cause water infiltration in the roof structure or the foundations.

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