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Alu-Rex > Eavestroughs and rain water management blog


Gutter Protection – A Long-Term Investment

How exciting it is to buy a new home! Every new homeowner has a head full of projects to improve his or her property: renovate the kitchen, make a garden or paint the living room.  However, you will never think about checking the condition of your gutters! As they are often neglected, make sure to […]

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A Homeowner’s Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Autumn

Canadian homeowners are too often hostages to their own homes a few weekends per year, overwhelmed by a plethora of issues caused by the changing seasons. Dead leaves, winds, the cold weather and heavy rains all provide frustrating experiences that can cause a range of problems and headaches for those who only wish to enjoy […]

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Watch how the T-Rex and the Gutter Clean System perform

Take a look at the T-Rex continuous hanger technology While a standard installation with nails or hangers leaves the gutter open with weak spots, hooking it up with the T-Rex continuous hanger protects the gutter against leaves, debris, snow and ice. The perfect size of the perforations also offers the right balance between draining large […]

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Gutter Protection Designed for Heavy Rains in the Maritimes


Eastern Canada is subject to very heavy rainfalls. It is therefore of the utmost important to opt for the right type of rain gutter protection in order to ensure that rainwater drains efficiently, without overflowing. Some gutter guards models are specially designed to let a lot of water through. Here are the specifications for gutter […]

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Rain Gutter Protection Systems Best Suited for Canadian Winters

Canadian winters are tough on gutters. As a result, homeowners are always on the lookout for new solutions to make their eavestrough system more durable. Leaf guards are often considered as an alternative as they also strengthen gutters while protecting them against leaves, snow and ice. As rain gutter protection systems don’t come in a […]

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