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Credits: Daniel Audet

Did you know that bats eat more than 600 mosquitoes per day? Consequently, this animal represents an excellent option to control the insect population. Rather than giving in to common misconceptions, follow these tips to attract bats to your yard.

Plant their favourite flowers

Not only are bats a great insect repellant, they also help pollinate plants. As some species supplement their insectivore diet with pollen and nectar, planting flowers can draw them to your yard.

Bats prefer night-blooming plants. Opt for datura, four o’clocks, yucca, evening primrose, night-blooming white water lilies, night-blooming jasmine, cleome and nicotiana.

Build a bat house

Giving bats a home is a great way to keep them coming back.

Choose the right model

Bat boxes should be made of non-toxic untreated wood. It is important that the inside be made of the same material as rough wood is easier for bats to grip.

Multi-room models work better than simpler models as bats prefer larger areas in which the temperature is more easily controlled.

Install the bat house in the right place

Ideally, bat houses should be installed in a sunny spot 10-15 feet above the ground. This way, bats can accumulate heat during the day. To this end, bat houses can also be painted black. Sun exposure is crucial and a bat house that fails to retain heat is likely to be abandoned. If it is not in an area that gets at least 7 hours of sun exposure per day, it is doomed to fail.

Bats tend to prefer pole-mounted models over those installed in trees or on buildings. It can be difficult to maximize sun exposure, particularly for those installed in trees. The same is true of those located directly under gutters; they just don’t get enough sun, or enough heat.

Bat houses should be installed away from fans, air conditioning units and streetlights, which can disturb the bats. Try to find a quiet place where they can rest in peace.

Bat houses do require some maintenance. Keep an eye out for wasps as these and other aggressive insects have been known to scare bats away.

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