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In the winter time, gutter systems are under severe strain. Not only can ice cause substantial damage to your gutters, but also your home. Since your home constitutes a major investment, it is important to protect it from damage caused by ice build-ups. Here are the main problems caused by ice build-ups in gutters.

1- Detached gutters caused by the added weight of ice

A gutter hung with nails, or traditional or screw-in hangers, is open and will allow for snow accumulation and ice build-ups. Ice that accumulates in gutters adds weight to the existing hanging system and the gutter eventually gets detached from the fascia board.

However, in the case of a slab attached with the T-Rex® continuous hangerTM and its Winter-ShieldTM membrane, the gutter is closed and thus protected from ice build-ups. Rather than penetrating inside the gutter, ice will remain on top of the membrane and will easily be eliminated as it melts.

2- Water infiltration due to gutters clogged by ice

Gutters attached with nails or hangers will get clogged by the ice and snow found inside. Thus, during episodes of rain or when snow melts, water tends to go up to the roof and overflow, close to home foundations. This results in an increased likelihood of water infiltration through the roof and foundations.

In the case of an installation with the T-Rex continuous hanger, the gutter is protected against such damage as water can flow freely in the gutter as ice melts, without overflowing or going up to the roof.

3- Warped gutters due to the freeze-thaw effect

During spring thaws, ice will melt and be drained through the gutter. However, if the latter has been hung using nails or hangers, it will already be filled with ice and snow and water won’t drain efficiently. When water freezes over, what is left in the gutter will turn into ice and warp the gutter, making it much less appealing.

With the T-Rex, water can flow freely inside the gutter as ice and snow remain on top during mild spells. Consequently, there won’t be any water left and your gutters won’t be warped.

As ice build-ups can lead to costly repair, better use the only acceptable standard in the industry: the T-Rex continuous hanger!

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